Workers must collect one resource after all the objectives are met. Tag along and visit the places you’ve never seen before as you clear roads, construct buildings, vanquish beasts and investigate the mysterious disappearance. But if you are having trouble with them, here are the locations: level 1.1 top right hand corner, left of pointer brown piece level 1.2 center right hand side- yellow piece level 1.3 top right hand side, just right of shooting lava - brown piece level 1.4 left hand bottom corner, left of red flowers - brown piece level 1.5 by Spidernumerouno lower LHS right. Complete a level in Gold time without using any bonuses. Our 12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull Walkthrough will guide you through the most challenging levels of this intense time management game as you attempt to help Hercules tame the great Cretan Bull. Hercules needs to act fast: without Zeus Olympus is facing a political crisis as lesser Gods are trying to take over the reigns! 12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull Walkthrough & Cheats. 12 Labours of Hercules X: Greed for Speed Level 5.

There is no time to waste: brave hero sets out on the search for Zeus! 12 Labours of Hercules XIII: Wonder-ful Builder Level 1.6 SolvingName of the Episode: UpstairsWatch the video carefully for the puzzle piece.In The Great Bui. Buckle up and travel to Ancient Greece! Accompany your favorite Greek heroes on a one-of-a-kind journey.Ī crime has been committed on the Mount Olympus! Something triggered the alarm and it can only mean trouble! The first hero to respond to the call is Hercules - he quickly arrives to the scene to discover that Zeus been abducted. Gameplay Overview 12 Labors of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull is an action game with heavy emphasis on Time Management in its game play.