
4 types of symmetry in art
4 types of symmetry in art

That could have been the missing piece of the puzzle. I've often thought to myself maybe my experience in geometry would have been much different if I could touch and see these shapes and figures. Everything was taught using two dimensional figures and there was not one hands on activity. There was no one who would take the time to offer differentiated instruction and the way it was taught in the book was the way the teacher presented to the class. When deciding what subject to focus on I thought a lot about my failure in geometry and other areas where I had a hard time in school. Teaching is a third career for me and probably the greatest life choice I've ever made yet by far the most difficult job. My two older brothers were the type that did not have to study hard to get good grades and being the youngest I was expected to follow in their foot steps. My life revolved around education and the successes and hardships of the occupation. I grew up in a home where both of my parents were teachers. Thinking about geometry has always made me feel like a failure. The teacher once told me, "Some people get it and some don't." In the end I think the teacher passed me only because no one could have made more of an effort to get extra help than I had those 9 months. I could not have been more excited to finally have a math class that would not be much work. I remember right before I started geometry in my sophomore year both my brothers telling me how easy the subject was compared to Algebra. In all honesty, once I got past basic Algebra my problems only got worse.

4 types of symmetry in art

My parents always knew how much I procrastinated getting my math assignments completed every night. I was always the student who loved to read novels and was often told to put down the book and get to my math homework. Math was something I always struggled with in school.

4 types of symmetry in art

I've always been the type of person who is completely honest with myself on my academic strengths and weaknesses.

4 types of symmetry in art


Students will learn how to create their own wallpaper by identifying how the isometries and Frieze patterns all work together. This includes learning the four different types of isometry as well as the 7 Frieze Patterns. My overall goal is for students to have a solid idea as to how patterns work and fit together on a wallpaper design. Whether it's a hands on approach, lecture or just discussing patterns within famous local landmarks, I've created a way for everyone to learn the basic idea behind symmetry. Students with processing problems have a difficult time taking in information, interpreting it and being able to use it later on, but I designed this unit to touch upon all different types of learning styles. While this can be a very abstract idea it is important to establish where geometry fits into their daily lives by first looking at some very concrete ideas of symmetry. I created a unit to work with my special education students and their learning disabilities to teach them the most basic idea of geometry, which is symmetry.

4 types of symmetry in art