Adscititious is an adjective meaning that something is additional, extra, or not essential. Is this something to do with salacious advertising? Not at all! Or, at least, not necessarily. These days, a quire is either 24 or 25 sheets of paper, representing one-twentieth of a standard ream of paper. This was usually in the context of medieval manuscripts. Originally, a “quire” was four sheets of parchment folded to form eight leaves. QuireĮven though “quire” looks like it should have something in common with words with “inquire” or even “esquire,” it probably doesn’t. “Segue,” pronounced “seg-way,” is the seamless transition from one piece of music, film scene, or topic of conversation to another.
You’d be forgiven if you mispronounce “segue.” It doesn’t rhyme with “peg” or “ragu.” Realistically, you may have heard it (or even said it yourself) without knowing how to spell it correctly. Stepping into her first theoretical physics class, Janine realized that the subject matter totally discombobulated her. Weird words got you all perplexed? You might even say that you’re “discombobulated.” That means you’re confused, and possibly even upset or embarrassed over the matter. If it looks vaguely familiar, that’s because it’s similar to lycanthropy. “Cynanthropy” is the delusion wherein someone believes they have transformed into a dog. And no, that’s not “tropy” at the end either. Nope, that’s not “cyan” in the beginning and it has nothing to do with the color blue. “Cynanthropy” is the kind of word you need to read at least twice to pronounce correctly. It’s a perennial favorite among comic books and children’s books alike. If you’ve ever talked about how a dog “barks” or how an explosion goes “boom,” you’ve used onomatopoeia. “Onomatopoeia” is just a fun word to say, which makes sense, as it refers to words that resemble or imitate the sounds they describe. It’s a tool like a hatchet that you’d use to cut and dress roofing slates. It’s the only three-letter word with a Z and an X, scoring you big points. Particularly if you play games like Scrabble and Words With Friends, “zax” should be a favorite. Long words aren’t the only weird words in the dictionary. It refers to an effort to separate church and state, particularly in the United Kingdom during the 18th century. “Disestablishmentarianism” is a 24-letter example of the weird English words you create when you do that. Take a root word, pile on the building blocks, and you’ve got increasingly long and complex words.

English is a language of suffixes and prefixes.