Kroot Farstalker Kinband kill team – see our guide for the kill team here.

Imperial Navy Breachers kill team – see our guide for the kill team here.Gallowdark scenery, which is the walls and obstacles you need to build a section of the Space Hulk for your games.The Into the Dark campaign book with rules for playing in Gallowdark, the big Space Hulk, as well as the rules for the two kill teams in the box.Even though the game is technically an expansion, it is so in name only: The game has everything you need in order to play Kill Team, so view it as the latest major starter set. With this new type of gameplay comes a bunch of new rules, but also two kill teams that are more suited to close quarters combat than your average kill team. Kill Team: Into the Dark kicked off the second “season” of Kill Team with a new way to play: It takes place indoors on a giant pile of derelict space ships called a Space Hulk, meaning you’re now fighting in tight corridors instead of across rooftops and among ruins of a battlefield. 7 Accessories Starter Sets that have been released for Kill Team Kill Team: Into the Dark